Learning Assistant Program

Hiring for Spring 2025 is complete! Check back for information on Fall 2025 hiring.

The Learning Assistant (LA) Program enhances students’ learning experiences by making courses more interactive and inclusive, and by making large classes feel more like small classes. LAs are undergraduates who have successfully completed a course and are subsequently selected by faculty to work with them in the classroom, helping current students engage with course material for better understanding. Through the guidance of weekly preparation sessions and a pedagogy course, the LAs facilitate discussions and problem-solving among groups of students in a variety of classroom settings that encourage active learning.

To date, we have trained more than 1,000 LAs. Some sections of the following courses
have been enhanced and supported by working with the LA program:

Biological Sciences


Chemistry & Biochemistry


Computer Science




Mechanical Engineering




Political Science


Social Work




The program supports student learning and success at FSU and beyond by:

  • Improving student success in high-enrollment, lower-division courses, which provide the foundation for learning in later courses;
  • Increasing access to STEM majors and careers for groups traditionally underrepresented in those fields;
  • Creating a meaningful opportunity for undergraduate LAs to support learning while growing as students and professionals themselves; and
  • Supporting faculty in their course design and teaching practices by fostering a community for pedagogical exchange and innovation.

If you are interested in teaching with LAs, please visit the For LA Faculty page for more information about working with the program. If you are a student interested in working as an LA, please visit the For LAs page for information about the position and how to apply. For other inquiries, please contact us at laprogram@fsu.edu