At FSU, TAs are required to participate in an online training about important policies and practices as part of their preparation and certification to teach. CAT will also offer opportunities for additional professional development in a variety of formats that TAs can explore after they’ve completed the required portion on Canvas.
For more information about TA job codes, responsibilities/training requirements associated with each TA category, and other important TA policies, please download the University-Wide TA Standards Document: University Wide TA Standards
Instructions for the Essential Policies & Practices Training for TAs, Summer 2025 – Registration Open
Welcome to teaching at FSU! We hope you’ll have a wonderful experience growing as an instructor and professional during your time here. On this page, we’re providing instructions for the fully online required training for teaching assistants across departments and programs. The amount of online training you’ll need to complete depends on your TA role, so be sure to ask your supervisor in your department or program about that.
For your convenience and flexibility, this mandatory training will be offered in a 100% asynchronous online format.
So that all TAs are prepared to teach and working in compliance with FSU policies before the summer semester begins, all modules and assignments required for your TA role must be completed by May 7, 2025.
This training satisfies the required graduate student TA policy training, as determined by University-wide TA Standards.
Important Note for Summer: This training is for any TAs who need to be certified for Summer A, B, or C. If you need to complete the training for any of these summer terms, you will need to do so by the deadline listed above. The Canvas site for the required training will open no later than March 24, 2025.
Registration Form:
The Canvas site is not yet available. Any TAs who register before March 24 will receive an email with a self-enrollment link for the training when the site has been launched. TAs who register after this date will be able to access the self-enrollment link within the registration form or on this webpage.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Please contact Caity Bente at our email address with any questions about the TA Training. Caity serves as the Program Manager for TA Training & Professional Development and can work with other CAT staff to address any inquiries or concerns.
Training Requirement Overview for TA Categories
Please review the offer letter you signed when you got the job as a TA and/or check with your department to determine which modules you are required to complete for your TA role. If you are in doubt, it’s okay to complete all modules because the training can prepare you to take on TA roles with greater responsibility/certification levels.
Category 1 & Category 2 TAs
- Required to complete Module 1, which includes:
- Learning-Centered Teaching
- Providing Effective Feedback
- Basics of Teaching with Technology at FSU
- Academic Honor Policy
- Non-Discrimination/Anti-Sexual Misconduct
- TAs must receive 100% on all quizzes by the training deadline. Quizzes are not timed and can be taken as many times as needed to achieve 100%.
Category 3 & Category 4 TAs
- Required to complete Module 1 and Module 2, which include:
- Learning-Centered Teaching
- Providing Effective Feedback
- Basics of Teaching with Technology at FSU
- Academic Honor Policy
- Non-Discrimination/Anti-Sexual Misconduct
- Designing for Learning
- Facilitating Discussions
- Creating a Welcoming Classroom Climate
- Instructors of Record Policies for Class Facilitation
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- TAs must receive 100% on all quizzes by the training deadline. Quizzes are not timed and can be taken as many times as needed to achieve 100%.
- If you completed all requirements for Module 1 (previously called the Biannual PIE Teaching Conference Day 1) in a previous semester, you are not required to recomplete Module 1. However, please verify with your department that you have received credit for the Biannual PIE Teaching Conference Day 1 in previous semesters before disregarding these modules.
Category 5 TAs
- Required to complete Module 1, Module 2, and Module 3 which include:
- Learning-Centered Teaching
- Providing Effective Feedback
- Basics of Teaching with Technology at FSU
- Academic Honor Policy
- Non-Discrimination/Anti-Sexual Misconduct
- Designing for Learning
- Facilitating Discussions
- Creating a Welcoming Classroom Climate
- Instructors of Record Policies for Class Facilitation
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Communication & Professionalism
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- TAs must receive 100% on all quizzes by the training deadline. Quizzes are not timed and can be taken as many times as needed to achieve 100%.
- Please note – if you completed all requirements for Module 1 and Module 2 (previously called the Biannual PIE Teaching Conference Day 1 and Day 2) in a previous semester, you are not required to recomplete Module 1 and Module 2. However, please verify with your department that you have received credit for the Biannual PIE Teaching Conference Day 1 and Day 2 in previous semesters before disregarding these modules. If you are missing any of these items, please be sure to complete them along with Module 3.
How has the training changed since 2024?
The Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) has merged with the Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) at FSU. As we continue to refine our training procedures, you may notice some changes within the instructions and overall process. Currently, we have removed the “Day 1” and “Day 2” labels for training content to increase clarity. They are now called “Module 1” and “Module 2” because they are fully online and don’t take a full day to complete. The “Category 5 TA Training,” which used to be a separate Canvas course, is now included with the others and called “Module 3.”
TAs can determine which training modules they need to complete by matching the category of their TA role (categories 1 through 5) with the correct module. Modules are labeled to define which ones are needed for each TA category (see screenshots below). Furthermore, the overall training name has been changed from the Biannual PIE Teaching Conference to Essential Policies & Practices for TAs.
Who should complete the Essential Policies & Practices Training for TAs?
- New graduate student TAs: Graduate students cannot hold a TA position unless they satisfy the University-wide TA Standards, and the online training is a required element of that.
- New graduate students who do not yet hold a TA assignment, but will likely do so in the future. Graduate students can take the training, even if they do not have a position offer in order to be prepared for a potential future offer.
- Returning graduate students who have never attended PIE or a departmental equivalent, but who may teach in the future are also encouraged to attend.
- Postdocs who will hold a teaching appointment.
- Interested faculty and staff are also welcome!
Which modules should I complete?
If you have questions or do not fully understand what training you are required to complete, please contact your academic department. Academic departments may contact Caity Bente at with any additional questions.