Weekly Teaching Tips

Getting the Work You Want

Giving Good Instructions Imagine you’re a nineteen-year-old college student, and your course syllabus contains the following project description: Write a paper on the reason(s) the U.S. invaded Granada and be sure to form conclusions on your own after synthesizing your sources. Was the invasion justified? Why or why not? How did the media treat the […]

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? And a Workshop on Student Evaluations

Creating Opportunities for Practice Any effective learning experience provides students with opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills through practice. In some courses, it’s obvious what students should practice: playing the violin, drawing patients’ blood, speaking a language, etc. In other courses, it may be less obvious what students should practice. We may not yet […]

Starting from Scratch? and a Workshop on Student Evaluations

Finding Out What Students Know We hope the first week went smoothly and your classes are off to an exciting start. Add/drop ended yesterday; rosters (we hope) have stabilized; and now we’re getting to know our students. In addition to learning more about our students as people, we also need to get a sense of what […]

A Promising Start to the Semester

A Promising Syllabus – and a Syllabus Clinic Today Happy New Year! There’s a fresh semester ahead of us. If one of your resolutions is to build an even more galvanizing learning experience for your students, your syllabus—the learning guide for your course—deserves a fresh take, too. A “promising syllabus ” (like the one here) invites […]

Celebrating Your Teaching (plus Spring Course Design Workshop and Faculty Reading Groups)

Gratitude The stream of Thank-A-Professor submissions is still flowing in, so instead of reflecting on how the semester went (you can read last year’s message here), we can’t resist sharing more of the messages your students sent. Much of the incredible work you do isn’t acknowledged through this program; next year we’ll advertise more widely, […]

Getting Through Grading, Spring Course Design Workshop, and Spring Faculty Reading Groups

What’s the Point of Grading? At this point in the semester, when we’re slogging through stacks of papers and projects, it’s easy to lose sight of the purpose of grading. It’s not, in fact, to make ourselves and our students suffer. Our students’ final work should provide evidence of the learning they’ve done with us […]


Why Your Students Are Grateful Students submitted more than 700 Thank-A-Professor tributes this fall. The outpouring of gratitude should remind us all of the value of our work. Your students appreciate the time and care you invest in them: they thank you for helping them develop into wise, compassionate adults and knowledgeable professionals. Submissions are […]

What Will They Remember?

Bringing the Semester to a Close After the flurry of deadlines, students often forget much of what we—and they—thought they learned in college courses, especially when they mostly memorize material and“parrot it back” for exams. Rather than trying to rush through additional material at the end of the term, it will be more useful, in […]

What Do They Know?

Do Your Students Know How They’re Doing? The end of the semester is approaching rapidly. The exams and projects coming up in the next few weeks should show us how much our students have learned this fall. Hopefully we’ve designed good instruments, so that we can gather sound evidence of our students’ learning.  And hopefully […]

Is It Time for New Lenses?

Teaching Across Cultures It’s International Education Month at FSU, so we’re thinking about teaching across cultures. You’ve probably heard the anecdote about two fish who greet each other as they swim. “How’s the water today?” asks one. “Water? What’s that?” queries the second fish. Our cultural perspective is our water; it’s also the lens through […]

Will that be on the final?

Designing an Exam that Makes the Grade Somehow we’ve passed the midpoint of the semester, so it’s already time to start thinking about… finals? Evaluating our students’ learning is one of the most important tasks we undertake in our teaching, and it’s also one of the most difficult. Exams are common tools for measuring student […]