Testimonials (LAs)

Kailen Christian

My first experience with the Learning Assistant Program was in my First Year Engineering Lab Course at the College of Engineering. One day towards the end of the semester, a student stood up to talk about the senior design project they were doing. Hearing him speak on the culminating moment of their degree was informative […]

Vito Evola

As a passionate supporter of education, serving as a Learning Assistant for Florida State University has been an immensely gratifying experience. This role has afforded me the opportunity to not only acquire valuable teaching skills but also to deepen my understanding of the subject matter, cultivate my leadership abilities, and foster a sense of community […]

Mary Hanna

My first encounter with an LA was in MAC 2311, where they assisted me in understanding the material that did not come easily to me. This was not the last course where I would grow to appreciate LAs. In BSC 2010, I was paired with the same LA all semester. This individual made such an impression on me, I got to learn new study habits which I still use […]

Gabriela De Jesus

I knew I wanted to get more involved on campus and began looking at available opportunities. I looked back at classes I had taken and remembered where I was successful, mostly due to the aid of my peers, and one peer, in particular, has stuck with me. I will always remember the impact she made […]

Amariah Hines

I was an LA for MAC 1140 Precalculus. The instructor’s career spanned over three decades and working with her was a priceless experience. I came in with previous experience tutoring other students in math and science. However, thanks to LA Seminar, I learned that it is more than just helping students. It is also helping […]

Steven Gross

It was my first class at Florida State when I discovered the Learning Assistant Program. I was immediately impressed by the students who introduced themselves as our LAs, and felt a sense of comfort before heading into a notoriously difficult class knowing that they would be by my side throughout the term. How incredible is […]

Paige Rhein

I will use the skills and confidence I have gained from working as an LA in all future endeavors. My ability to speak and present in front of large crowds, the way I carry myself, and the confidence I bring are all noticeable skills curated throughout this program. Another rewarding experience I have had through […]